October 11, 2008

Hey look at my new Cosplay!!!

Just look at this cool cosplay of itachi, well actually any of the akatsuki people can fit this costume. Cool huh? I got it in a shop on the road along sogo (in puxi).


FyreVortex said...

WOW! So cool! /off sarcasm. Lol.

That's for YOUR usual comments to my posts. :P

Thunderstrike said...

nice akatsuki costume, despite the pose you look more like Kisame. Lol Joking...

Wei-Wei said...

it's so... plain.

FyreVortex said...

Ya it's kind of plain. I have no idea what it is though. :|

Thunderstrike said...

you idiots its the akatsuki costume in Naruto!!!

Ikigami said...

.. I think i said it was the akatsuki costume from Naruto...